- 2001-10-02 Repulse sold out
- The Repulse sound card is sold out.
- 2001-12-14 Repulse price drop
- The new price for the Repulse Gold soundcard is 179 euro. You may order it at our onlineshop now. Merry Christmas!
- 2001-10-02 Toccata emulation update
- There are a couple of fixes in the new toccata emulation and it now works great with MovieShop.
- 2001-09-18 CD read errors
Some CDs shipped with the Repulse Gold have read errors. These can be
identified by their serial number. The broken CDs were shipped with
boards with a serial number between 51-32-2-0000 and 51-32-2-0069. We
will exchange the CDs with new ones on request. Please contact
- 2001-09-06 New drivers
- New drivers can now be downloaded. The new version has some bug fixes.
- There is a complete new toccata emulation. It supports MovieShop for the first time, but remember it's still in beta phase.
- There's a fix for SoundFX. Now repulse users can enjoy the full version of SoundFX.
- All newly delivered repulse cards will have gold plated zorro contacts. This will fix some contact problems.
- 2001-06-28 NetBSD driver
- Ignatios Souvatzis added a driver for the Repulse sound card to the NetBSD/Amiga source.
The NetBSD driver supports at the moment only 8-48 kHz mono or stereo 8 or 16 bit audio data from/to Analog part.
Missing features will be added later.
- 2001-05-14 Delivery started
- The first repulse soundcards were sent to distributors.
- Feature list was updated.
- NetBSD and MorphOS driver are in the works.
- 2001-03-09 Delivery announcement
There is a delivery delay for the REPULSE sound card. We hope to be
able to deliver the product in the first quarter of 2001 as planned.
The production is still proceeding.
- 2000-12-05 Price drop!
- The REPULSE sound card will now be produced directly by us. The reason is that we can drop the price this way.
Of course, all people who have pre-ordered will get the card for the new price.
- Everyone who wants to see the REPULSE sound card in action, can visit us at the World Of Amiga in
Cologne on 9. and 10. december on the desk of Individual Computers.
- 2000-11-09 Production starts
- Production of the first repulse series started.
- 2000-05-02 Status Update
- First update after a long time. The work is going well. The new prototype is working
very well and a first picture is available. We've added cool new features like S/P-DIF output with 24 Bit/ 96 kHz.
- 2000-02-22 Problems and a Message board
- We've some problems with the mixer. Now there are two solutions:
- 1. remove the mixer (so no Amiga-Audio or CD-ROM input will be on the card).
- 2. use a different audio codec
- some PROS of the new audio codec:
- comfortable mixer with adjustable volume for every input
- 20 bit samples instead of 16 bit for playing
- 18 bit samples instead of 16 bit for recording
- more inputs and it's possible to record from all inputs simultaniously
- 3D sound
- The delivery will be delayed for 2 to 3 months instead of 6 weeks for the current version.
It's now up to you what we should do. Just use the new forum to discuss this.
- REPULSE message board established
- 2000-02-15 web site update
- new features for the REPULSE card:
- S/P-DIF optical input
- "Feature Connector" for extensions
- "News", "FAQ" and "Download" page added
- "Ordering" page changed
- 2000-01-20 public release of the REPULSE web site